Some months ago I was searching for problems! Sounds like sh***** but is true! Finding a problem is one of the first step to find a solution :). And if the solution is software based => means money! hundred kilograms of MONEY!Well, so thinking in problems in my backyard I realized that the grass was long as hell, the swimming pool dirty as hell (maybe the hell is clean, maybe not) and the device used to clean the pool was broken.... Cut the grass, clean the pool with the almost broken device and fight with daemons was in my range of possibilities, but fixing the device wasn't, so I needed someone who can fix it for me, but who the hell?. So the problem appears suddenly, how to find someone who I can trust and can fix the device correctly and with a "real/honest" price?. Well that is the idea, an app to search people who can fix swimming pool devices? Awesome!!
Well no, the idea is not that, so, generalizing the problem, to not only plumbers, garden workers, electricians and baby sitter but also to stuff that you may need (furniture, computer, whatever!) Or services or help or anything that could be said that it is a need! To satisfy these needs you usually requires "something" to satisfy them, let's call this an offer. I offer my chair, I offer my service of cutting the grass, fix electrical / electronic devices, etc. So the idea is simple, search for offers that will satisfy your needs.
There are different sites / methods / ways to solve this: linkedin, amazon, ebay, newspaper, etc, but these are handling different sectors each, it is not centralized and there are no close relation between the one who offer and the one who needs, also, there are some needs that are not in these sites as well.
There are different sites / methods / ways to solve this: linkedin, amazon, ebay, newspaper, etc, but these are handling different sectors each, it is not centralized and there are no close relation between the one who offer and the one who needs, also, there are some needs that are not in these sites as well.
There is a well known saying: "If you need something screaming it very loud" (or something like that, maybe doesn't exists and I'm lying, maybe not), but basically if you say that you need something to a friend or someone and that person has what you need is highly probably that he/she will help you, even more if he/she can get a benefit from it.
So imagine now an app, mobile app where you can create an user, and add whatever you may need and whatever you have to offer, now think that everytime you go to a party, drink a coffe with a friend, go for lunch, in any meeting, the app is checking for people who is close to you (and also has app installed), and automatically is checking for whatever you may need from these other people, and at the same time from his/her friends list of needs and offers, not only searching for what you need but also if someone close to you is needing what you offer, or some of their friend's needs, think how much more easy will be to give and get things automatically without even spending time searching, and from people that you may directly know or have access to him/her and ask directly on that moment.
The key here is how we can categorize the information in a common and intelligent way [sections / filters / etc]. There is also other points like: with who we want to share, public data, just for known people, etc, but that is just minor details, even there is no need to be proximity related, could just be like a social network...
So imagine now an app, mobile app where you can create an user, and add whatever you may need and whatever you have to offer, now think that everytime you go to a party, drink a coffe with a friend, go for lunch, in any meeting, the app is checking for people who is close to you (and also has app installed), and automatically is checking for whatever you may need from these other people, and at the same time from his/her friends list of needs and offers, not only searching for what you need but also if someone close to you is needing what you offer, or some of their friend's needs, think how much more easy will be to give and get things automatically without even spending time searching, and from people that you may directly know or have access to him/her and ask directly on that moment.
The key here is how we can categorize the information in a common and intelligent way [sections / filters / etc]. There is also other points like: with who we want to share, public data, just for known people, etc, but that is just minor details, even there is no need to be proximity related, could just be like a social network...
I think the most important thing in here is that you can get something that you need from a known person or a person that is close to you (you also need to take into account also how to filter people that you maybe don't know like the ones that are in the street walking / in the same bus / underground / etc... if you have no shame to get what you need then doesn't matter :) ).
Well, after writing this I can say I'm not a good writer :(, maybe next time is better adding more images and less text :p.
Salu, enjoy your life.
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