Monday, February 23, 2015

[C++] stack_vector measurements.


Some years ago I was working in a game project and I realize that I was using the std::vector a lot of times inside functions (for intermediate / temporary operations). Knowing that this wasn't so good for performance (because of the heaps allocation / memory fragmentation) I decided to implement a wrapper class "stack_vector" to use the stack instead of the heap. It is not a magic class nor something complicated, is just an array with a counter :). The most relevant thing here are the time measurements. 

There were other solutions to the same problem:

  1. Change the stl for a better optimized lib.
  2. Use a custom allocator for the stl vector.
  3. Use an array.

Changing all the stl wasn't a fast solution, and using a custom allocator wasn't in my plans :p. No, the problem was that the main data I was using in these functions was trivial types (int, float, pointers, etc). So, using a stl still with a custom allocator will not be as performant as expected (or that was I thought in that moment). So I decided to implement this class.
Basically (3) is this, but with a counter and a simple interface :). 

After 2 years (yes, 2 years) I decided to check if this class has any really improvement comparing to the std::vector or not, without taking into account the memory fragmentation, that was something that will for sure improve.

The stack_vector

The class is as simple as this (with some helper functions like a normal vector).

/// This class is intended to be used only for built in types that doesn't
/// requiere construction / destruction of the elements.
/// Obviously could be extended to support this, but not now :)
template <typename T, unsigned int MAX_SIZE = 64>
class stack_vector
    // to avoid some issues when using this class we will make some checks here
    // to ensure the user don't try to use this with objects that will create
    // inconsistencies
    static_assert((std::is_pointer<T>::value || std::is_trivial<T>::value),
                  "We can only use objects that has trivial default constructor "
                  "or are pointers or basic types");

    stack_vector() : m_size(0) {};
    ~stack_vector() {};

    // ....
    T m_data[MAX_SIZE];
    unsigned int m_size;

In this case the stack vector should know at priory the maximum size we will use, as any other normal array. This is not nice since sometimes we don't know how big it will be, but that could be solved using the Variable Length Array feature (C99) and passing the memory address to the class on the constructor (I copy and paste the same class and renamed to stack_vector2, lazy bastard!). Note also that this class is intended to be used only with trivial types (I'm not handling construction / destruction of the elements).

I also add some other methods to the interface that were utils when working on the project, but that doesn't matter to much.


I compile the sample test with 3 optimization levels (just using the -O flag):

  • Without flag.
  • With -O2.
  • With -O3.

And test for each case, different sizes (number of elements for the vectors): {50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000}

I used g++ 4.9.2, old lovely dell vostro (intel dual core), linux.
The test routine that use the vector / stack_vector / stack_vector2 (VAL) are:

    int result = 0;
    std::vector<int> elements;
    for (int i = NUM_COUNT-1; i >= 0; --i) {

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COUNT; ++i) {
        result += elements[i];
    return result;

    int result = 0;
    stack_vector<int, NUM_COUNT> elements;
    for (int i = NUM_COUNT-1; i >= 0; --i) {

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COUNT; ++i) {
        result += elements[i];
    return result;

sampleCallStack2(int size)
    int result = 0;
    int mem[size];
    stack_vector2<int> elements(mem);
    for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; --i) {

    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        result += elements[i];
    return result;

As you can see, the 3 methods are pretty similar and very simple, we just create a vector, push all the elements, and then iterate over each one and sum the result into a variable.

The first test I did, the performance between all the versions were very similar, because malloc was always matching the perfect block for the std::vector (printing the address was always the same). So I decided to add some "random allocations" in between the calls (but not measuring the times of those) so the vector could or could not get the same address (like should happen in normal apps).

The timings I got calling N (=99999) times each of the test functions, for each different size (quantity of elements) and for each optimization level.
I will show for each case a bars graphic showing the three implementations: {std::vector, stack_vector, stack_vector2}, the stack_vector2 is the same than stack_vector but using the VAL feature. In the graphics the y axis is the time in seconds that took call N times each version, and the x axis the size of the vector. Also, a table containing the times for each case, and 2 more columns: Heap/Stack showing the performance (X gain) from the stack version comparing to the heap one, and Heap/Stack(VAL) comparing the heap and the VAL version (stack_vector2).

Without optimization

Size Heap Stack Stack (VAL) Heap/Stack Heap/Stack(VAL)
50 0.3288 0.1696 0.1727 1.94 1.90
100 0.5142 0.2206 0.2373 2.33 2.17
500 2.0007 0.6031 0.7070 3.32 2.83
1000 3.8021 1.1257 1.2687 3.38 3.00
5000 18.2371 5.1559 5.9057 3.54 3.09

Optimization O2

Size Heap Stack Stack (VAL) Heap/Stack Heap/Stack(VAL)
50 0.1432 0.1238 0.1247 1.16 1.15
100 0.1621 0.1273 0.1277 1.27 1.27
500 0.3385 0.1868 0.1821 1.81 1.86
1000 0.5632 0.2554 0.2516 2.21 2.24
5000 2.2400 0.8119 0.7838 2.76 2.86

Optimization O3

Size Heap Stack Stack (VAL) Heap/Stack Heap/Stack(VAL)
50 0.1411 0.1207 0.1265 1.17 1.12
100 0.1628 0.1275 0.1283 1.28 1.27
500 0.3420 0.1841 0.1821 1.86 1.88
1000 0.5487 0.2525 0.2485 2.17 2.21
5000 2.2088 0.8040 0.7745 2.75 2.85


As we could see in the ugly graphics and nasty tables (sorry), the performance gain is not so much when we use the -O3 optimization level, the compiler do a lot of magic and the performance is almost the same. Bigger is the size of the vector (>~500) higher is the performance we gain, but note that using huge block of mem in the stack is not so recommended neither.
The main benefit I can see here, except the little performance gain (for ~100 elements), is minimizing the memory fragmentation that at the end will affect the overall of the app running time.

Note that this class was created a long time ago, just copy the old code into a new file but could be even more efficient (aligning the memory, checking if we can vectorize some operations, etc, but that will be done in 2 years :p).


The test and code and everything is in github.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Blowmoney" idea!

What is "Blowmoney"

I have no idea, but this idea for sure, if possible, will give you A LOT OF MONEY! A LOT!!!! or at least that is what I think.

The idea

After some months, or maybe years, I still think that this idea is for sure pure gold :). This will sound weird or strange, but, suppose you can construct a device that let you detect if a human had recently sex, you just get close to the person and pass the device close to him/her and detect if the person had sex or not recently. Now imagine how much people will buy this device (have a commercial point of viewwwww!) The statistics of infidelities is high, maybe growing with the time, and for sure there are a lot of people who will want to buy this at the first doubt in the relationship. Now, if you ask me if this is moral / ethic / whatever, I think not and I think if you are in a relationship then you must trust in the other person (I love you Cony :)!)... but, the device has not the blame nor is bad nor is ethic or not, maybe the action of using it in some situations could be not ethic / moral or "nice", anyway, whatever is the case, this device will be worldwide sell!.

Talking with one of my best friends "Gornete" (Lucas GornĂ©), Biologist, genius, currently almost ending the Ph.D., he did a fast bibliographic research (not so deep research but still a research), and it may could be possible to detect some hormones that the human body secrets, but there are at least two major thing to take into account:
  1. During how long this hormones can be detected after "the act".
  2. Which is the error probability when detecting the hormones (or chemicals).   
If (1) is to short, let's say 1 hour, then it will be completely useless. If the time is too long, lets say > ~5 days, then could be a little bit more useful but still not so much.
Now, what happen if (2) is to high, because I don't know, the human body secrets the similar hormones when eat a burger, or walk, or is excited only, then, this will generate a lot of unnecessary problems (lets say divorces).

Anyway, there are already around there these electronic noses that can detect different kind of "smells" (chemical stuff), and I have the feeling (based on absolutely nothing else than "good feeling") that (1) and (2) could be completely solved with the right "very sensitive" technology to be able to measure different concentrations of these hormones very precisely... Anyway, talking without know is impossible to ensure.

So well, this is the idea, if someone who has the knowledge / resources to do it start investigating and create the device and start selling it and makes millions and millions of dollars I will be very happy and Gornete as well (I think :p), but send us at least some of them for free to save it as remembers :p.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Swimming counting software

Swimming counting software

What is this!? an obsolete idea maybe, old, but in the old good times was a good one...

Some years ago when I had a problem in my knee (injured) so I had to go to swim for rehabilitation... - also is one of  the best sports to avoid new injuries!-.., after going multiple times to swim and swim I had the problem that I always lost the count of how many pools I did! 
Usually when I do something repetitive during long time (>30min) my mind start thinking in different stuff, and there is where my problem appears: thinking and counting is complicated. 
So I though how can I go swim, and don't torture myself repeating the counting and being afraid of lost the count XD! so how can I swim peacefully + think (or not) at the same time? (note that not thinking is maybe more complicated...!). Obviously having one person looking at me swimming for one hour is not an option :). 

So the idea was: what happen if you put some cameras on the pool and a lovely machine do the counting for you (and for all the other people in the swimming pool!). Not only the counting but also statistics about velocity, time, distance, etc, per day / week / month / year / after life?, sending this reports by email as well or whatever.

Obviously the software exists for professional sports and not only swimming, but what about of using some of these free / open tracking systems, create the soft and then just sell it to all the swimming pools so they can provide an additional service to their clients??!!

There are some things to take into account like how link a person from the moment he/she logging to the system until he/she ask for statistics?... But from what I remember, when we discuss this with the group of friends that we was thinking to work on the idea, everything had a solution :), but nobody had time, specially me :(.

Well, hope someone want to do it and sell it to all the swimming pools so next time we can swim without counting :). Or maybe now exists some hand-clock or an android app with a water resistant phone that do all this automatically, so this post is completely obsolete and useless.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

C++ Status: Little error handling idea [UI apps mainly]


After working some time in UI applications I always end with the same issues of how to handle the errors efficiently and clean. I decide to implement this little wrapper and use it as the base for the different modules of the projects. This is mainly for the ones who don't use exceptions (because they don't like it or because they cannot).

The wrapper "Status"

The main motivation to create this wrapper was the idea to have the information of the error (human readable) with the error itself and be able to propagate it efficiently over the functions (like exceptions do). It is like an intermediate solution between "old style error code checking" and exceptions.
To solve this problem I used and saw two main ways:
1) Use a error code (enum or whatever) and then map it to a predefined string list that shows the "information" to the user about what happened.
2) The modules (classes) had a extra method where returns the "detailed" information about the last error (getLastStringError() or similar).

In some cases (1) could not be the best option because the error is not detailed enough since is a "common" list where the same information is used in different scenarios.
The thing with (2) is that adding a additional method for each class and have a buffer where we save the last error info is not clean nor nice (at least for me :) ).

So, to solve this two things and do it as efficient as possible, since we don't want to loose performance, never, never loose performance, I decided to implement this wrapper. The main idea is that the Status wrapper will have the same size as an integer (like an error code) but will contain more information.
To be able to save the "detailed error description" we will not put the string in the wrapper itself but an index to a table of shared strings, where we will put the real description.
Here is the data we save in the class:

class Status
    //     ...

    // this is all the information we will hold to maintain the same efficiency
    // than normal integers.
    // the scheme as next
    // bits: 0..3   (4 bits)    => Severity (none, critical, normal, low)
    // bits: 4..15  (12 bits)   => StatusCode (error code)
    // bits: 16..31 (16 bits)   => Internal index referencing table

    struct Data {
        // define the invalid index
        static const unsigned short INV_INDEX = (1 << 15);

        unsigned int code       : 12;
        unsigned int severity   : 4;
        unsigned int index      : 16;

        Data(unsigned int c, unsigned int sev, unsigned short i) :
            code(c), severity(sev), index(i)
    } data;

As we can see we are only storing 32 bits in the class (like an integer in some platforms). This way when we return the status we are just returning an 32 bit structure and will be fast to copy it, also, whenever we go up with the message (until the UI code to show it to the user), we never duplicate or copy the string itself, and here is where we earn some performance in comparison with other methods (copying the string up and up).
The other thing I decided to add is the severity of the error, this is useful in some cases when we just need to know if we can continue with code execution or return immediately, this way we can maintain a much more simpler and clean code!.

The Status can be constructed in different ways providing 3 main manners of using it: like booleans, like old error codes style, or error code with description.

Lets see the next example:

coreMethod1(int arg1, int arg2)
    // check arg validity
    if (arg1 < 0) {
        // invalid arg
        return Status(StatusCode::STC_INVALID_ARGS,
                      "The arg1 is less than 0 so we cannot proceed!");

    // everything is fine, just return no error (automatically constructed
    // from bool).
    return true;

// other methods...

    // ...

    // suppose that we don't want to continue if coreMethod1 return a critical method
    Status st = coreMethod1(v1, v2);

    // but know suppose we have multiple methods to init that are not
    // so important if they fails, but still we want to report to the user
    // the information:
    st += coreMethod2();
    st += coreMethod3();
    st += coreMethod4();

    return st;

    Status st = middleLayerMethod();
    if (!st) {
        // handle status / show description to the user if it fails


Here we can see two of the benefits of this wrapper:

1) If the Status is moved from different functions (returned, copied, whatever), the copy of it is trivial, "no performance hit at all" (almost, but for sure less than a string being copied up).

2) We can accumulate and return the "information" avoiding ugly branches in certain cases (if the error is not critical of course). This second option could (should) be configured depending the needs of the project, this is implemented in the operator+= method

/// \brief operator += will be used to mix different status, we will
///        concatenate the strings and also maintain the highest priority
///        and the error. In case that the error is different, we will
///        simply set it to internal error (this is maybe not what you 
///        need/ want).
/// \param other    The other status we want to mix with
/// \return the mixed new status (this)
inline Status&
operator+=(const Status& other);


To be able to use it you must first initialize the StatusHandler, that is the class who contains all the shared strings for the Status instances.

// init the handler
static StatusHandler statusHandler;
// set the global handler to be used by all the Status instances
Status::s_shandler = &statusHandler;

Then you can start using it normally. Note that this is not prepared for multithreading since we are sharing the strings table.

Project Source

This little project and wrapper is located in github so if you want to take a look.
Hope it helps someone!